Feel Safe Again

Create your life from a safe space instead of fear. Dive deep into your own power and start to feel safe finally.

Find Safety in Your Intimacy and Enjoy Your Body Again. Find safety inside instead of looking for outside. 

Now FREE instead of $97!

"How to create safety" video series

This 2-part video series will help you with practical tips and technique you can use to find safety in your body, emotions and in your intimacy, to feel more empowered on a daily basis and to boost your self-esteem.

About videos

5 Ways to Create Safety

Learn 5 super easy ways to create your own safety so you can relax and open up to all the Natural Magical Power what you have within.

At the end of the video I have a little gift for You and you can just say “YES” and the energy will flow to you.

Safety in intimacy

In this video you will learn why it is important to feel safe when it comes to intimacy and sexuality.

Find your safe place and open yourself up to all the amazing sexual energy to thrive.

Hi! I am Girisha Andrea

Economist, EU-related and international procurement expert

Orgasm coach, trauma healing and grief recovery specialist

Founder of the Empress-O method and the Conscious Woman Academy

In the last 20 years Andrea has learnt hundreds of methods and techniques all around the world from the best and most authentic teachers and masters. 

In her unique and holistic Empress-O method, she combines ancient traditions and methods learned all over the world with modern trauma healing, transgenerational transformations and grief recovery.

By applying this unique holistic method clients reach true transformation with rewriting their old stories and unleashing the full potential of the WOMAN in themselves, which has already brought lifelong change to nearly 5,000 women worldwide.

Her special areas: any types of traumas, abuses, co-dependency, grief; female organ issues with breast, yoni, body images issues related to selflove, self-acceptance, self-worth. She has tremendous amount of successful transformation with myoma, cyst, womb polyp, vaginal infections, endometriosis, vaginism, vulvodynia, infertility, and intimacy-sexuality-orgasm related challenges. 

She was featured on Yahoo Top 10 as #4 Love coach across the world after Star Coach Matthew Hussey in 2021. She has been invited as special expert in Hungarian and international summits and podcasts. She has her own video show series with her invited guests in Hungary called “Women to Women with honesty and no taboos”.

If you’re ready to release your traumas and experience safety and aliveness instead, then what are you waiting for?

Yes! I’m So Ready to Drop the Fear and Anxiety around safety!